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NSP Young Professionals

NSP Young Professionals


Agatha Lydia Natania

Executive Director, ASEAN Youth Organization

Agatha is the Executive Director of ASEAN Youth Organization which is the largest youth-led organization in Southeast Asia. She currently works as a staff at the ASEAN-Institute for Peace and Reconciliation Indonesia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. Before serving at ASEAN-IPR, she worked as Personal Assistant of former Indonesian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Dr. Hassan Wirajuda. She obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations from Parahyangan Catholic University. The initial policy recommendation she proposed focuses on youth cooperation particularly in providing scholarships for vocational studies in rural areas and building closer engagement through youth networking events as well as reform in school curriculum.


Amalia Mastur

International Trade Policy Adviser, British Embassy

Amalia is an international Trade Policy and Negotiation Practitioner who works as Policy Adviser at the British Embassy. She has an extensive experience in opening market access for international businesses and is currently involved in one of Indonesia’s Bilateral Trade Negotiation agenda. She is interested in technology policy and development. In 2018, she published a paper about Korea’s Closure on Kaesong Industrial Complex (KIC) at the International Conference on Contemporary Social and Political Science. Her policy proposal focuses on creating a practical path to Industry 4.0 by enhancing technology cooperation between Indonesia and Korea in areas such as investment for data center infrastructure and  capacity building to fill the digital skills gap.


Angelo Wijaya

Consultant, World Bank Group

Angelo Wijaya works as a consultant for the World Bank Group to support operations in the East Asia & Pacific and the South Asia regions. He holds a Bachelor's degree in International Relations from Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia. He is interested in the intersection of international relations, political economy, and policy. His policy recommendation offers a way to refine the narrative of NSP by drawing lessons from similar policies of other countries. He also proposed a strategy so that NSP can better synergize with Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity 2025 and Indonesia’s Global Maritime Fulcrum.


Aristyo Rizka Darmawan

Lecturer, University of Indonesia

Aristyo is a lecturer in international law at University of Indonesia and co-Director of the Center for Sustainable Ocean Policy (CSOP). He is involved in the Pacific Forum of Foreign Policy Research Honolulu as a Young Leader. His research focuses on the relationship between International law and foreign policy in the Asia Pacific region. He obtained his Master’s Degree in International Law from Tufts University, United States and completed a certification in Public International Law from the Hague Academy of International Law, the Netherlands. His policy proposal aimed at strategic maritime cooperation between Indonesia and Korea particularly in the area of maritime infrastructure, security issues, combating IUU fishing and human resource development.


Equilibrium Tampubolon

Substance Support Officer, Ministry of National Development Planning

Eqi serves the Ministry of National Development Planning of Republic of Indonesia as the Substance Support Officer. He is responsible in supporting research on international development projects under ADB, AIIB and European Union. He is driven to explore areas of cooperation that are conducive to a strong and inclusive pandemic recovery. He is interested in the development of the tourism sector. His initial policy recommendation focuses on the creation of a bilateral financing facility to support the status of “enabling environment” for Indonesia’s Travel and Tourism sector in the post-pandemic era.


I Gusti Bagus Dharma Agastia

Assistant Professor, President University

Agastia is an Assistant Professor in International Relations at President University. His research interests include defence and security policy in Southeast Asia, maritime affairs, and countering violent extremism. He obtained his Master’s Degree in Strategic Studies from S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Singapore. His initial policy recommendation aims to improve the peace pillar of NSP, particularly by enhancing maritime security cooperation through closer institutional engagements and modernization of naval industry.


Jessica Natalia Widjaja

Head Delegation of Indonesia, W20

Jessica is an author and entrepreneur who has a great passion for foreign affairs. She is the head of Indonesia’s delegation to W20 Japan, Saudi Arabia and Italy. She also headed Indonesia’s delegation to W20 Indonesia-Korea Relationship Forum which was held in Seoul last February. She has published three books, two of which have been sold for more than 1 million copies. She obtained her Doctoral degree in Constitutional Law and Master’s degree in International Trade, Investment and Competition Law from University of Pelita Harapan, Indonesia. Her policy recommendation focuses on strategy to increase trade volume between Indonesia and Korea and suggestions to improve the New Southern Policy in general.


Nadia Caroline

Personal Banker, Citibank

Nadia is an international relations graduate with a passion for finance-related matters. She is currently working as a personal banker at Citibank, Jakarta. Her research focuses on Indonesian financial landscape, specifically on investment and digital technology. She obtained her Bachelor’s degree from University of Indonesia. Her initial policy recommendation discusses a more active approach towards post-pandemic economic recovery and growth through cross-ministries collaboration which could enable the New Southern Policy to link with Indonesia’s existing policies or program such as Indonesia’s National Economic Recovery program, Omnibus Law, Sovereign Wealth Fund.


Pamela Simamora

Research Coordinator, Institute for Essential Services Reform

Pamela is the research coordinator at the Institute for Essential Services Reform. She led seven specialist in carrying out research projects. She has over three years of experience in energy policy and advocacy. She obtained her Master of Engineering in Energy from Washington University in St. Louis, United States. Her research specializes on energy transformation, sustainable energy access and green economy programs. She is the creator of Indonesia Clean Energy Outlook (ICEO) which is used as a global and national reference to clean energy status in Indonesia and supported the establishment Indonesia Clean Energy Forum (ICEF). Her policy recommendation focuses on utilizing the New Southern Policy to accelerate Indonesia’s transition to clean energy.


Yani Parasti Siregar

Associate, MicroSave Consulting

Yani is an active professional in the financial inclusion sector. She is a keen observer of Indonesia's international relations and public policy, with over a year of experience assisting Indonesian government participation at the Group of 20 (G20). Her research interest includes regional development and financial inclusion. She holds a Master's degree in Public Policy from KDI School of Public Policy and Management, Korea. Her policy recommendation includes Green Technology Partnership Initiative between Indonesia and Korea, particularly in agriculture and smart-farming. She also suggested financing scheme to enable farmers to grow better quality agricultural products.

Supervisory Board

Supervisory Board


Dr. Dino Patti Djalal

Project Director

Dr. Dino Patti Djalal is a retired career diplomat; former Presidential spokesperson, speech writer and special staff; former Indonesia’s Ambassador to the United States; youth activist; academic; author of a national best seller; and former Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs (2014). He is known in Indonesia as Presidential Spokesperson for President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono – a position he held for 6 years from October 2004 to October 2010, which makes him the longest serving Presidential spokesperson in Indonesia’s modern history. In 2015, he founded the Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia (FPCI), an independent non-government non-political non-partisan non-profit forum on international relations, which has grown to be the largest foreign policy group in Indonesia with around 100,000 people in their network. Dr. Djalal serves as the Chairman of the Indonesian Board of Director of the World Resources Institute Indonesia (WRI). He also served as special adviser to the Chairman of the Global Green Growth Institute which is an organization based in Seoul, South Korea. He is the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Indonesian Diaspora Network Global (IDN-Global). In 2018, he was elected as Chairman of the Indonesian Lecturer Association. He obtained his Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science from Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada) and his Masters Degree in Political Science from Simon Fraser University (British Columbia, Canada). In 2000, he received a Doctorate Degree from the London School of Economics and Political Science, after completing and defending a thesis on Preventive Diplomacy under the supervision of renowned scholar on Southeast Asia, the late Professor Michael Leifer.


Prof. Dewi Fortuna Anwar

Supervising Professor

Dewi Fortuna Anwar is an academician of the Indonesian Academy of Sciences (AIPI), a Research Professor at the Center for Political Studies-Indonesian Institute of Sciences (P2P-LIPI), Chairman of the Board of Directors of The Habibie Center (THC), and co-founder of the Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia (FPCI) based in Jakarta. In 2010-2017 Dewi served as a Deputy Secretary to the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia. Dewi was the Kippenberger Visiting Chair at the Centre for Strategic Studies, Victoria University of Wellington, a Distinguished Visiting Professor at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), NTU, Singapore, a Distinguished Visiting Fellow at CSEAS, Kyoto University and a Distinguished Visiting Professor at SAIS, Johns Hopkins University. Dewi sits and has sat in a number of national and international advisory boards including the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD), the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), the Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission (WMDC), and the UN Secretary General’s Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters. She obtained her PhD from Monash University, Melbourne, while her M.A. and B.A. (Hons) were from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London.

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Mr. Jamil Maidan Flores

Senior Editor

Jamil Maidan Flores is a senior associate at Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia (FPCI) and the Director of International Affairs at PinterPolitik. He served as speechwriter for many Indonesian Foreign Ministers including Mr. Ali Alatas, Mr. Alwi Shihab, Mr. Hassan Wirajudha and Mr. Marty Natalegawa. As a senior speechwriter, he is highly experienced in pouring ideas and government policies into international speeches and official documents. From 1996 to 2014, Jamil attended the UN General Assembly sessions as adviser to the foreign ministers. In the same capacity, he attended summits of such organizations as the G-20, APEC, NAM, and ASEM. He is also known as writer of numerous editorial pieces on foreign policy and author of six books including “Peace Talks between the Government of the Republic of Philippines (GRP) and the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF)” which was published at the ASEAN Secretariat in 2019.

Guest Speakers

Guest Speakers


H.E. Thomas Lembong

Minister of Trade of Republic of Indonesia (2015-2016) and Chairman of Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board (2016-2019)

Thomas Trikasih Lembong, familiarly known as Tom Lembong, served as the Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board Chairman from July 2016 to October 2019. Prior to that, he was the Indonesian Minister of Trade from August 2015 to July 2016.  He now serves as an Advisor to the Jakarta Investment Board and an Advisor to Consilience Policy.  Mr. Lembong received his Bachelor of Arts in Architecture and Urban Design from Harvard University in 1994. He began his career in the Equity Division of Morgan Stanley (Singapore) Pte. Ltd in 1995. He was employed as an investment banker at Deutsche Securities Indonesia from 1999 to 2000. Mr. Lembong acted as the Division Head and Senior Vice President at the Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency (IBRA) from 2000 to 2002 and worked at Farindo Investments from 2002 to 2005.   Prior to his appointment to the cabinet, he was Co-Founder, Chief Executive Officer, and Managing Partner at Quvat Management Pte Ltd, a private equity fund established in 2006. He served as President Commissioner of PT Graha Layar Prima Tbk (BlitzMegaplex) from 2012 to 2014.   Mr. Lembong was selected as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum in 2008. He was awarded the Asia Society Australia-Victoria Distinguished Fellowship in 2017 and the Gwanghwa Medal from the South Korean government in 2020.


H.E. Lim Sungnam

Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to ASEAN

Lim Sungnam is Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Korea to ASEAN. Prior, he was the first vice Minister of Foreign Affairs. Lim Sungnam served for two years as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (2013-2015). He served in various high-ranking positions including as special representative for Korean Peninsula Peace and Security Affairs (2011 – 2013) and deputy chief of mission (DCM) at the ROK Embassy in China (2009 – 2011). He concurrently served as deputy head of the ROK delegation to the Six-Party Talks and director general of the North Korean Nuclear Affairs Bureau with the rank of ambassador (2007 – 2009). Ambassador Lim received a B.A. in International Relations from Seoul National University (1981). He received his first M.A. in Political Science from Seoul National University (1984) and his second M.A. in Political Science from Harvard University (1987).


H.E. Park Tae-sung

Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Indonesia

Park Tae-sung is the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Korea to Republic of Indonesia since October, 2020. Ambassador Park started his career as Civil Servant after he passed the 35th High Civil Service Examination in 1991. He has served the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy (MOCIE) as Director of China Cooperation Team in 2005. In 2006, he served as Counsellor at Korean Embassy in Malaysia. In 2009, He served as Director of Semiconductor and Display Division at the Ministry of Knowledge Economy (MKE) and left the Ministry as Director of Local Economy Policy Division in 2010. Ambassador Park has served the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy (MOTIE) as Director of Trade Policy Division in 2013 and left the Ministry as Director General for International Trade and Investment in 2019. Ambassador Park obtained his M.A. in Economics from Oregon State University, US in 1999 and M.A. in Policy Science from Seoul National University, Seoul in 1997. He obtained his BA. in Economics from Seoul National University, Seoul.


H.E. Umar Hadi

Ambassador of Indonesia to the Republic of Korea

Umar Hadi is a career diplomat with 29 years of service. Before he was assigned as Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the Republic of Korea in 2017, he served as the Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia in Los Angeles (2014-2017), Director for West Europe Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2012-2014), Director of Public Diplomacy (2005- 2009), Deputy Director at the Office of the Foreign Minister (2001-2005), and officer at an ad-hoc office for the Chairmanship of Indonesia in the Non-Aligned Movement (1992-1995). His overseas posts include Minister Plenipotentiary and Deputy Chief of Mission at the Indonesian Embassy in the Hague, the Netherlands (2009-2012) and Second Secretary at the Indonesian Permanent Mission to the United Nations and other International Organizations in Geneva, Switzerland (1996-2001). He has also been involved in numerous negotiations and international conferences. Umar Hadi served at the Board of Advisors of the Institute for Peace and Democracy, the implementing agency of the Bali Democracy Forum, since its inception in 2008. He studied at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy (Medford, USA), the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (Geneva, Switzerland), and the Padjadjaran University (Bandung, Indonesia). Umar Hadi is married and blessed with a daughter.


H.E. Abdul Kadir Jailani

Director-General of East Asia and Pacific, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Indonesia

Ambassador Abdul Kadir Jailani is the current Director General for Asia Pacific and Africa at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, responsible for Indonesia’s bilateral relations with 114 countries as well as Indonesia’s leadership in regional organizations including APEC, IORA, NAASP, SCO, PIF, MSG, CTI-CFF, IMT-GT, BIMP-EAGA, etc. Previously, he was the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Canada and Permanent Representative of the Republic of Indonesia to the International Civil Aviation Organization. Ambassador Jailani had also served as the Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia in New York. His prior appointments in diplomatic missions of the Republic of Indonesia abroad include Third Secretary at the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in The Hague; First Secretary at the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Indonesia to the UN, WTO and other International Organizations in Geneva; and Counsellor for Security Council at the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Indonesia to the UN in New York. Ambassador Jailani joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia in 1993 and was assigned to various positions, including Deputy Director for Treaties on Political and Security Affairs (2010-2012) and Director for Treaties of Economic and Social Cultural Affairs (2012-2016). He has also actively led negotiations in various bilateral, regional and multilateral negotiations among others the Code of Conduct in South China Sea (2011-2012), Task Force of ASEAN Enhanced Dispute Settlement Mechanism (2013-2016) and Bilateral Comprehensive Economic Partnership between Indonesia and several countries (2013-2016). Furthermore, he acted as Vice-Chairman of Intergovernmental Committee of WIPO on Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore (2014-2016). He graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Law from the University of Airlangga (1992) and holds a Master of Law from the University of Indonesia (1997) as well as a Master of European Law and Policy from Portsmouth University (2002). Ambassador Jailani is married with two children.


Director Pyo Junghwa

Director for ASEAN Cooperation Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Korea

Mrs. Pyo Junghwa is the Director of ASEAN Cooperation Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Korea since 2020. She started her professional career at the Ministry since 2003. From 2008 to 2010, she serves as the Second Secretary of North Korean Affairs Bureau. From 2010 to 2012, she was posted in Embassy of the Republic of Korea in japan as First Secretary. Director Pyo then posted as Consul at the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in St. Petersburg in Russia in 2012-2014. She then serve as the Deputy Director of North American Affairs Bureau from 2015 to 2016. She was posted at the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in the United States as First Secretary in 2016-2019 before serving in her current position at the Ministry. She obtained her M.A. in Political Science from John Hopkins University in 2007 and B.A. in Political Science from Yonsei University in 2003.


H.E. Kim Chang-beom

Founder of Center for Strategic and Cultural Studies (CSCS) and Former Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Indonesia

Ambassador KIM Chang-beom is a well-experienced diplomat. He is currently working as co-founder and advisor at the newly established Center for Strategic and Cultural Studies (CSCS), Korea.  He has completed his diplomatic career of 39 years in September, 2020. He has served as Korean Ambassador to Indonesia from January, 2018 through July 2020.  He also worked in Brussels as Korean Ambassador to European Union and Belgium from 2012 through 2015.  Amb. KIM has special ties and experiences with European Union, ASEAN and Indonesia, in particular. During his career, he made significant contributions to the promotion of Korea’s partnership with EU and ASEAN through summit meeting preparations and substantial progresses in trade, investment, and people–to–people exchanges. He has worked together with the Indonesian Government in reaching a final conclusion of Indonesia – Korea Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IK CEPA) in November 2019.  As a career foreign service officer, he has served five overseas posts and worked at various positions within the Korean Government ever since he joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in December 1981. He earned a Master’s degree from Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies in Washington, DC, USA (1986) and is a distinguished graduate of Seoul National University (B.A., 1982). Ambassador Kim is happily married with two sons.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Bondan Tiara Sofyan

Director-General of Defense Potentials, Ministry of Defense of Republic of Indonesia (2018-2020) and Expert at the National Resillience Institute (Lemhannas) of Republic of Indonesia

Bondan Tiara Sofyan was named Permanent Distinguished Professor by the Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia (FTUI) in 2010. She obtained her Doctoral Degree in Materials Engineering from Monash University, Australia in 2003, a Master’s Degree  in Materials Studies from University of Indonesia in 1995 and a Bachelor’s Degree in Metallurgy Engineering from University of Indonesia in 1991. Prof. Bondan focuses her research on the development of high strength high performance materials, especially in light-weight metal materials, including the development of aluminium composites as ballistic materials that have successfully resisted penetration of 7.62 mm calibre bullets. Prof. Bondan authored a book on Introduction to Materials Engineering which has been widely used as teaching materials in various universities. She has written more than 100 scientific journal articles and received numerous awards as best and most productive researcher at University of Indonesia and Ditjen Dikti level. In 2008-2014, she hold the position of Manager of Research and Education at Faculty of Engineering at University of Indonesi. In 2013, Prof. Bondan was selected as Expert of Science and Technology at National Resilience Institute of Republic of Indonesia, where she led various research to provide input for the President of Republic of Indonesia. In 2016, she served the Minister of Defense as Expert in Economics where she aided the Minister of Defense in mapping out Indonesia’s national defense programs in relations to Nawa Cita. In 2018, she was appointed as Director-General of Defence Potentials at the Ministry of Defence of Republic of Indonesia. In 2021, Prof. Bondan returned to National Resilience Institute of Republic of Indonesia as Expert of Science and Technology.


Dr. Lee Geun

President of the Korea Foundation (KF)

Dr. Lee is the President of the Korea Foundation, the institution that conducts Republic of Korea’s public diplomacy. He earned his Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Seoul National University and his Master’s and Doctoral Degree in Political Science from University of Wisconsin, Madison, US. Formerly, Dr. Lee was a Professor at the Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Korea. He was a member of Policy Specialist Committee at the National Security Council of Korea and Consulting Member at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Ministry of Unification, and Ministry of Defence. He has served as President of the Korea Institute for Future Strategies and Director for the Institute of International Affairs at Seoul National University. Dr. Lee is currently the Chief Vision Officer of Mirezi (Future Insight) think tank. Concurrently he is the Vice-President of International Affairs and Dean at the Office of International Affairs of Seoul National University.


Mr. Lee Dong-gy

Deputy Director-General, Presidential Commission on Policy Planning

Mr. Lee Dong-gy joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MOFAT) in March 1999. After working at the Korean Embassy in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and then the Korean Embassy in Japan since July 2011, he was appointed as Director of the Territory and Oceans Division in June 2015, and then Director of the Southeast Asia Division at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) in December 2016. He works at the Presidential Committee on New Southern Policy since March 2020 after serving as Assistant Secretary at the Office of National Security in the Presidential Office. He obtained his Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Seoul National University of Korea. He has received a Professional Certificate on Non-Proliferation Studies from Monterey Institute of International Studies, California, US.


Mr. Bok Dug Gyou

Director of Indonesia – Korea Business Cooperation Center, Korean Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA) Jakarta

Mr. Bok Dug Gyou is the Director of Indonesia Korea Business Cooperation Center at the Korean Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA).  He first joined KOTRA in January 1998 and has been serving the agency in various positions and capacity. He formerly held the position of ASEAN Specialist, Deputy Director and Union Leader KOTRA. He obtained his Master’s Degree in Public Administration from Seoul National University in 1998.


Mr. Lee Joohan

Secretary-General, Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KOCHAM)

Mr. Lee Joohan is the Secretary General of Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KOCHAM). He is also the Former Vice Chairman for Property & General Trading Indonesian CCI at Korea Committee in KADIN (Kamar Dagang dan Industri Indonesia). He has an extensive experience as director for various private companies in Indonesia in the field of Healthcare Distribution, Oil & Gas, Medical Manufacturing to Defense Industry. He currently holds the position of Advisory Member of Korea Youth Association in Indonesia, Council Member of the National Unification Advisory Council for Republic of Korea, Director of Korean Association in Indonesia and Vice President of World Federation of Overseas Korean Traders Associations (OKTA) Indonesia Chapter, Member of APINDO SME Committee and President of Korean Young Business Leaders Network (YBLN) Worldwide. He obtained his Bachelor’s Degree from Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea.


Ms. Siti Maisarah Haji Majid

Deputy Head for Information and Data Unit, ASEAN-Korea Centre (AKC)

Ms. Majid is the Deputy Head of Information and Data Unit at ASEAN-Korea Center, Seoul. Her work scope includes overseeing programs related to youth and people-to-people exchanges with the objective to promote and enhance cooperation and relations between ASEAN member states and Republic of Korea. Ms. Majid began her professional career as an Officer at Personnel and Finance Department of Baiduri Bank Brunei in 2007. She then served the Prime Minister of Brunei’s Office as Economic Officer at Department of Policy and Planning at the end of 2007 and left the Office as Senior Economic Officer in 2018. She then joined the Ministry of Finance and Economy of Brunei as Senior Economic Officer and left the Ministry as Acting Assistant Director at Research and Development Division. Ms. Majid obtained her Master’s Degree in International Development from University of Manchester, United Kingdom and her Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from Singapore Management University, Singapore.


Dr. Kwak Sungil

Research Fellow on Southeast Asian Economy, Korea Institute for Economic Policy

Dr. Sungil is currently working as a research fellow of New Southern Policy Department at the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy. The department has been seeking strategies for sustainable cooperation between India, ASEAN and South Korea to solidify the New Southern Policy. He was served as an Assistant Adviser to the President for Economic Affairs at the Office of the President, South Korea. He received Ph.D in Economics from the George Washington University. He was a faculty fellow at American University as well.  He is an author of Study on the Strategies for Building a Regional Production Networks in ASEAN Region (2016), which explores how ASEAN local firms participate in Korean firms' production network in ASEAN region. In addition, he worked on Evaluation of Korean SMEs' Management Status in Southeast Asia and Policy Implication (2017), in which he analyzed management status of Korean SMEs operating in the ASEAN region and suggested the direction of support policy. Meanwhile, he had a serious concern that the recent trend of South Korea's investment and trade with ASEAN has been concentrated on Vietnam. He studied Overseas Expansion Strategy of Major Countries' Firms toward Viet Nam and the Implications for Korea (2016), in which he pointed out that the current trade and investment should be diversified into other ASEAN member states and India. 


Dr. Lee Jaehyon

Senior Fellow, Asan Institute for Policy Studies

Dr. Lee is a research fellow and director of the Center for ASEAN and Oceania Studies at the Asan Institute for Policy Studies. Prior to joining the Asan Institute, Dr. Lee was a research fellow at the Korean Institute of Southeast Asian Studies and a visiting professor at the Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security at the Korean National Diplomatic Academy. He writes extensively on international relations in Southeast Asia, ASEAN, and regional cooperation in East Asia. His research interests include Southeast Asian politics and international relations, regional cooperation in East Asia, and non-traditional and human security issues in general. He is the author of multiple articles, and his most recent publication is “Transnational Natural Disasters and Environmental Issues in East Asia: Current Situation and the Way Forward in the Perspective of Regional Cooperation” (2011). He received a B.A. and an M.A. in political science from Yonsei University and a Ph.D. in politics from Murdoch University in Australia.



Ms. Dayu Nirma Amurwanti

Faculty Member of IR Department at Binus University and Advisor for Climate and Forest, Royal Norwegian Embassy in Jakarta

Ms. Dayu is a Faculty member at Department of International Relations of Bina Nusantara University and an Advisor for Climate and Forest at the Royal Norwegian Embassy. She is the team lead in providing support to the operationalization of Indonesia’s Environment Fund, the first Public Service Agency in Indonesia to manage international funding, with more than a billion US Dollars in the pipeline. Prior to joining the Embassy, Dayu was a Climate Finance Manager at Partnership for Governance Reform. She spent a decade of her professional career at World Bank Indonesia – she started in 2007 as an Operations Officer and left as a Senior Institutions Specialist. She obtained her Master’s Degree in Public Policy from London School of Economics and Political Science (with distinction) and Master’s Degree in Business Law from University of Indonesia. She is also a Senior Counsel at Rahayu and Partners, Board Member of Chevening Alumni Association Indonesia and LSE Alumni Association Indonesia.

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